Dr. Pavan Kumar carries an immense experience of 38 years in the field of Ophthalmic Surgery. He has performed several thousand surgeries at various govt. & pvt. hospitals.
Work Experience
- Chief Resident at KGMC, Lucknow (1985-86)
- Classified Specialist in Army Medical Corps, New Delhi (1988-2008)
- Clinical Incharge (Ophthal) at Max Hospital, Vaishali from 2009-till now
Education & Training
- MBBS – KGMC, Lucknow (1982)
- MS. Ophthal from KGMC, Lucknow (1985)
- Fellowship VR Surgery from AIIMS, New Delhi (1996-1997)
- Observership VR Surgery at Stanford University, LA-USA (1997)
- Delhi Ophthalmology Society
- All India Ophthalmology Society
- National Society of Prevention of Blindness
Speciality Interest
- Cataract Surgery
- Anterior Segment Microsurgery
- Diseases of the Retina