Cerebral DSA

Get the best Cerebral DSA in India with affordable cost at World Class Neuro and Spine Care Hospitals in India.

What is Cerebral DSA?

We know that with the influx of newer technologies, the medical world has seen a revolutionary phase in recent times . There is more emphasis on minimally invasive techniques of procedures as they have numerous advantages over traditional methods of treating patients.

One such technique is the Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA), that is more commonly known as Cerebral Angiography. It is a diagnostic procedure that is performed to find out any blockages in the blood vessels of the head and neck. It gives a detailed idea to the doctor regarding the exact site and extent of blockage. It makes use of x-rays and contrast material to create pictures of blood vessels in the brain.

DSA is required in the following cases:

  • Any Aneurysms (swelling and break down in the part of blood vessel /artery)
  • Tumors and strokes
  • Blood clots or damage in the artery wall
  • Arteriosclerosis (condition when arteries get narrowed down)
  • Vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessel)

It also helps the doctors in diagnosing the cause of following symptoms so that required treatment line can be accurately suggested:

  • Balance and coordination loss
  • Vision impairment and indistinct speech
  • Severe headaches
  • Memory Loss
  • Dizziness and vomiting

The intra-arterial DSA involves lesser use of contrast dye and smaller catheters and is thus more preferred over conventional subtraction technique.

What happens during Cerebral DSA?

Cerebral DSA, or digital subtraction angiography, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat conditions of the brain. The procedure is performed by making a small incision in the groin and threading a catheter through the blood vessels to the brain. Once in place, contrast dye is injected and X-ray images are taken. These images allow doctors to see detailed pictures of the blood vessels in the brain and identify any abnormalities. Treatment can then be administered through the catheter if necessary. The entire procedure takes about an hour and patients typically experience no complications or side effects.

Post–OP Care and Follow Up

During the Post-OP stay in the hospital, patients are given special instructions like keeping the legs straight for a few hours to avoid strain and bleeding from the groin area where the catheter was inserted. In order to relieve swelling and pain, cold compression may be applied at the site where the catheter was inserted.

There are no specific dietary instructions in this procedure. Patients can start having a normal diet immediately after the procedure.

Patients can resume routine activities after a rest of 12 to 24 hours. But make sure you do not get involved in any activity that will put pressure on the site of catheter insertion for a few days.

The x-ray images taken during the procedure will be analyzed by the radiologist and your treating doctor. Based on the findings of the report, further treatment lines will be suggested.

Patients would require a follow up visit, in case any other investigations or intervention is needed. This visit is sometimes essential for discussing any complicated findings in the report.

It may also help in assessing the effect of treatment that the patient undergoes after DSA or any abnormal changes over a period of time.

Risks & Benefits associated with DSA

Benefits of DSA include :-

  • DSA gives a clear and exact picture of any abnormality in the blood vessels of the brain. The detailed report helps neurosurgeons in taking appropriate decisions regarding any surgical interventions.
  • The images taken during DSA are far more clearer than the ones taken during any other non-invasive techniques.
  • Since a catheter is being used during the procedure, it is sometimes useful in providing minor treatments at the same time.
  • Since the images are taken through x-rays, the patient does not get exposed to harmful radiations.

Risks involved in DSA :-

  • Patients can have allergic reactions to contrast dye.
  • If any blood clot develops at the site of catheter insertion, it will block the flow of blood to legs.
  • Patients may have a stroke as a result of blockage in blood flow due to damage caused to the wall of the blood vessel/artery.
  • Even kidneys have a chance of getting affected due to IV contrast.

The treating doctor needs to be immediately contacted in case of – numbness or weakness in the face, arms and leg muscles, vision impairment, difficulty in speaking and breathing, chest pain and dizziness.

Cerebral DSA in India

Each year, millions of people suffer from stroke. A significant number of these cases are due to cerebral aneurysms, which can rupture and cause life-threatening bleeding in the brain. While many aneurysms can be treated with surgery or other interventions, some are difficult to reach or repair.

In recent years, a new technology called cerebral DSA has been used to treat some of these difficult aneurysms. There has been a surge in the use of cerebral digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in India. This cutting-edge neuroimaging modality is providing new insights into the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of neurological disorders.

Cerebral DSA is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses X-ray images to visualize the blood vessels in the brain. This technology is particularly useful for diagnosing stroke, aneurysms, and other vascular abnormalities.

The use of cerebral DSA is growing rapidly in India, as more and more hospitals are equipped with this state-of-the-art technology. Contact us to know the cost of cerebral DSA in India.

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